Friday, 28 June 2013

East Midlands Vegan Festival

My friends over at VOLE are organising the East Midlands Vegan Festival 2013 and asked me to do the logo and fliers!  It was decided that animals and the environment should be the focus as these are the most compelling reasons to become vegan, whilst the cupcakes reference Ruth's wonderful baking and the "normal" foods vegans can enjoy.  Graphic design is not my forte but it's good to have a challenge and help the vegan cause at the same time.  I certainly had a lot of fun doing it and can't wait to produce recipe leaflets for visitors to take away.  You can find out more about the event here.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Easy Chilli

Hello and welcome to The Illustrated Vegan, a blog combining the two main passions of a twenty one year old punk.  Here you'll find all sorts of information about veganism, from food to fashion, all delightfully decorated to make it all the more appealing.  And what better way to launch the blog with my most fail safe vegan recipe: chilli - yum!